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MARCH 2025

Announcement about SERVICES

If you cannot make it, you can connect with us via Facebook Live every Sunday at 11:00am!


Please mark your calendars. Below are the in-service dates! Sign ups are no longer required to attend. Communion is taken the first Sunday of every month.​​


  • SERVICE: March 2, 2025 @ 11:00am
    National Women's Day

  • SERVICE: March 5, 2024 @ 6:30pm
    Family Night @ BCA

  • SERVICE: March 9, 2025 @ 11:00am
    Hospitality Sunday

  • SERVICE: March 12, 2025 @ 6:30pm
    Family Night @ BCA

  • SERVICE: March 16, 2025 @ 11:00am
    Boy's Ministry Fundraiser

  • SERVICE: March 192025 @ 6:30pm
    Leader's Meeting @ 6:30pm

  • SERVICE: March 232025 @ 11:00am

  • SERVICE: March 262025 @ 6:30pm
    Family Night @ BCA

  • SERVICE: March 302025 @ 11:00am
    Mission's Celebration



Silhouette photo of Christian worship Go

explore and become apart of our transformational ministries

Rev. Michael Kelly

It is a privilege to serve as the Lead Pastor of First Assembly of God along with my wife Donna. I was called into the ministry in 1979 and have just recently celebrated 25 years of Ordained Ministry with the Assembly of God.  I am currently teaching at Beacon Christian Academy and serve as the Northeast Section Honor Bound Representative for the New Jersey Men’s Department. I am the father of Adele, Stephen and Nicole and the proud grandfather of four wonderful grandchildren.

Rev. Donna Kelly

My name is Rev. Donna Kelly and I co-pastor Impact Ministries along side of my husband, Pastor Michael Kelly. I am the Principal of Beacon Christian Academy and have served in this capacity for over a decade. I assist with teaching our Wednesday evening studies, which are held in the Beacon Library each week (with the exception of the last Wednesday of the month). My life verse has always been Prov. 3: 5 & 6. We need to TRUST in the Lord with all of our hearts and LEAN NOT unto our own understanding. In ALL of our ways we must ACKNOWLEDGE Him and HE WILL direct our paths. I love Impact Ministries and have grown spiritually here as a teen, got baptized and married here as a young woman, dedicated and raised my children here as a mom and now celebrate all of the wonderful accomplishments that my family has seen in one, great church. God has taken us through financial hardships, Hurricane Sandy, Covid and we have come out strong; STILL STANDING! Our church is centered on community and family plus 'old school' TEACHING in the Word of God. Come as you are and leave CHANGED by the power of the Holy Spirit. We look forward to meeting you soon.

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